Monday, January 5, 2009

SEO Help

Before I begin, I want to say sorry that I have not been making posts lately. Anyway I really don't have excuses, so I will just begin. SEO can be vary hard work, but a very easy concept to understand. Really your search engine ranking all depends on a few different things. First of all if you are placed high in Google, then practically everywhere else you will be too. So having a high PageRank will help you in your rankings. So here are a couple tips in SEO.

1. PageRank
Get your pagerank high and it will make your pagerank though the roof!
2. Content
The more the better, but the most important thing about content is that you should write your own. Don't just copy and paste things.
3. Look up a keyword in Google and check out the first ten results. Se what they have, and make sure you have at least the same type of information. (DO NOT COPY)
4. Make sure the keyword you want people to type in Google and find is typed multiple places, such as header, body, meta tags, title of page, and even in the domain it self. Now, how do you get the keyword in the domain you ask. Well this is how: Say you want the keyword "max dirt bike" to show up in your domain, but your domain is . You should change it to Now Google reads it as max dirt bike, instead of maxdirtbike.

Well thats it for today, I will post more tips another time. Please enjoy the day :)

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