Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Submitting To Dmoz

OK I know what your thinking, no matter what i do i can't get listed in DMOZ. Well The tips are easy and simple, yet no one follows them. So here we go once again, here are tips for DMOZ. (listing from most important to least important) 

1. List in the correct category

I cannot stress this enough, you must list this in the correct category. If it is slightly in the wrong category, they will automatically deny you. TIP: Try searching for websites in the same category as yours, take your time, then when you finally find the most similar website, submit it to that category. 

2. Do not have any ads

Do not have any ads what so ever in your whole site. Your site will look less suspicous of bad content. This is not required but looks so much better when an editor is looking at it and will have a better chance of being accepted. Believe it or not this will help.

3. Original Content

Lastly what DMOZ is looking for is original content. They don't want a poorly designed website. They want a site that adds value to the Internet and a site that's going to make the Internet a better place. 

4. Summery

DMOZ is probably the most important directory to be listed in and by the way you should not keep resubmitting. It could take up to months before you get listed. 

Hey did you think that this was going to be easy!! 

Thanks for reading i will post at least a post a day from here on out so look forward to it!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Get People To Come to Your Site!!

Of course you want as many visitors to your website/blog, and of course there is really no good free way to do it exept....

1. Submit

Submit submit submit, that is a good way just to get your name out there. If you get your name out there, then when you complete the rest at the bottom, your links in all the search engines will just become stronger. 


One of the best places to submit and get a good backlink is DMOZ. (search in google) If you can submit to Dmoz, and be accepted then your pagerank will automatically be boosted. You will automatically be listed in all the major search engines and have a high rank. 


Ok they have so many rues in DOMZ and the biggest is that you put your website/blog in the right category. Next Make sure that you don't have a million ads showing up when they first enter. Try to have no Ads, this will make you have a good quality site and a btter chance. Search for other sites like yours in DMOZ and see what they put down and what category they are in.

4. Backlinks

You can even seacrh google for "Free Backlinks" and they will help boost your pagerank. Try to get as many backlinks as possible. The more you have the higher pagerank you are going to have.

 SUMMERY: Well whoever told you that making money as an online web designer was going to be easy, well they were wrong and believe me, IT IS HARD WORK, but if you try your hardest and apply yourself Online and keep at it, everyone else in the world will fall and you will be on top.

Fastest Way To Earn Money with Adsense

Well ofcourse you are looking for some kind of a cheat sheet to make money Online. Well let me tell you, don't waste your money on get rich quick schemes, because they do not ever in your life work. You relly want to know the one tip to gaining money in adsenseis? Well what it is is to never visit your site/blog. Only visit it maybe once a month to once every two months, if you keep visiting your blog, google notices and you will actually not gain money because of that very reason. 

Sunday, September 21, 2008

$100 Dollars Free Adwords

Of course, who doesn't want $100 dollars free adwords. Well now that there is a way. Whats it going to cost? About 60 minutes of your spare time. All you have to do is go to this link https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=pAGNlrH_Fajh6oSNWEQcDWA&
all you have to do is go to that link and give google your opinoin on thier website optimizer and you will be granted $100 dollars of credit to adwords.
More Posts coming, if you have any questions or would like to request information just email at sales3082@gmail.com